Thursday, December 6, 2012

Artist of the Month - Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall, I and the Village, 1911
It's time for the changing of the calendar as well as the Artist of the Month wall. During the month of November, we learned about Marc Chagall, a jewish, russian expressionist painter who lived to be 98 years of age. He happens to be one of my favorites; not a secret if you've seen me sipping tea from my "I and the Village" cup or the wall lined with Chagall wonders in the classroom studio. Grades 2 through 4 have been using Chagall's works as inspiration to create their own expressionist paintings.

What elements help us identify an expressionist work of art?
  • Expressing emotion
  • Bold colors
  • Distortion
  • Lack of perspective

Are these paintings Expressionism?
Have your child analyze and discuss the following images with you:

Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night          Edvard Munch, The Scream           Henri Matisse, The Dessert Harmony in Red

Our literacy extension included a reading of I am Marc Chagall by Bimba Landmann and thanks to Willow in 3rd who shared her Dreamer from the Village: The Story of Marc Chagall by Michelle Markell with her class.

Enjoy the students'  I and the Village  inspired works in progress... scroll below to see some of the completed pieces.

CRITERIA - 25 point lesson
  • Expresses Emotion
  • Two Profiles (either human or animal)
  • An X compotion or thoughtfully composed
  • Tell a story with the other spaces; a dream, a meaningful place (imaginary or real), a special object
  • Effort
Some completed masterpieces exploring:
  • rough sketching to final craftsmanship
  • composition
  • oil pastels and watercolors
  • visual storytelling
4th grade students
Some more finished masterpieces:
Samantha - 4th grade
Chloe - 4th grade
Tyler - 2nd grade

Jammie - 4th Grade
Sophia - 2nd Grade 
Lina - 4th Grade
Eli - 3rd grade
Alonzo - 3rd Grade
Sean - 4th Grade
Brianna  - 4th Grade

Grace - 4th Grade
Madison H - 2nd Grade
Sierra - 4th Grade
Mary - 4th Grade

Caleb - 4th grade


  1. These works of art are so impressive! I am so thrilled with the lengths you are going, as an elementary teacher, to teach these kids about not only composition, color and the other elements of art, but also art HISTORY. THANK YOU! Brilliant! Brilliant! I love what you're doing! p.s. Willow and Sage absolutely LOVE your class!

    1. Thank you, Liz :) Teaching art is a dream job- a thrill to get to explore the world of art with children who are so eager to apply their own imaginations to paper. It's so much fun in here. Visit any time :)

  2. Wow. Those are pretty awesome works of art! And I agree with everything Liz said . . . just when I think you have pulled out all the stops, you do MORE!

    1. It's the kids pulling out all the stops...they pour so much of themselves into what they create. They don't let a challenge stop them!
