Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our Andy Warhol Soup Can Projects | Food Drive

We have been very busy creating fun and vibrant POP art in Kindergarten through 4th grades. The project started with the 1st graders doing a Warhol style creation using their hands. Here's the link to that past blog. They were very eager to do more Warhol style work, so we reviewed our colors by coloring a Warhol Soup Can page using only warm or cool color. This coloring practice and review really helped them observe the shape and lines of the writing on the can. They moved onto trying to sketch on their own; a cylinder drawn with a ruler, included block lettering, and they could color their own crafted can in any color scheme of their choice.  The kinders had fun doing the same project. Their drawings were curated by third grade students. The ones they chose will be on display at an upcoming event.
The third and fourth graders took a more direct observational approach by analyzing their cans and trying to draw the correct perspective of a cylindrical soup can on 4"x5" piece of paper. Plus, they tried to sketch the label type. We also discussed how a 3-D form can appear rounded on a 2-D surface. You'll notice our Warhol inspired cans have shadows and shading. The lesson objectives are:
  • to create a can that is cylindrical with a realistic perspective- using a ruler on the straight edges
  • clearly paint a shadow and shade the can accurately
  • trace three identical copies (portrays the "mechanically made" element of pop art)
  • keep writing, painting, etc extremely clean and neat in the style of graphic, pop art
  • choose the right tool for the task ; size of paint brush, paint versus colored pencil, size of sharpie pen
  • select a frame/background for the completed work that enhances, not distracts, from the art piece
  • peer critique using a grading rubric - must offer tips and suggestions for negative scores
  • overall craftsmanship
I can't wait to publish their finished pieces of 2x2 soup cans created in Warhol's style. They are fantastic!!! 

Second Graders are doing the same as above. However, they are not tracing the three copies and are using larger 8x11.5 sized paper to sketch and paint on. The also were given the choice to directly copy the soup can label or use it as inspiration and design their own labels. Many couldn't resist branding the soup after themselves.
The following are all 2nd grade art works.

Stay tuned for more completed pieces as the students finish up. Each grade is having a chance to curate another grade. They are learning to talk the language of art by critiquing and choosing the pieces that will be on final display.

Peer Critique
I am enjoying assessing the students peer critique one another. As they complete their Warhols, the students are randomly paired up to swap work and critique one another's pieces using a grading rubric with the learning objectives listed out. They are encouraged to offer support and tips or suggestions on how to improve if they have given a "thumbs down" review. If a student can spot the pluses and minuses of a lesson, they are telling me they understand cognitively what the skills are. I can compare that with his/her actual work. If the work is missing some of the elements, perhaps some more time teaching the technique would be valuable for this student or the student needs to slow down and apply more effort to his/her own work. They have quickly learned that giving all :) happy faces is not useful and could actually hurt their friends by not offering helpful suggestions. This is their opportunity to correct their assignments before turning in to be graded. 

Art + Community
This project naturally led to include our community in a soup based food drive. We collected just over 400 cans of soup and others have donated non-perishable items to help support the drive. At a later event, we will be using the food drive to center our theme and teach the importance of art and its positive impact on a community. Every student is experiencing how one person can make a difference and when joined with others making a's big! 

A special thank you to all the families for generously donating to help those in need in our community. We are currently at 450!!!!

Fantastic Fundraiser { thank you, APRYL }

What a blessing it is to be able to teach art as part of the curriculum in an elementary school and even bigger blessing  to work with some of the most generous and art friendly parents out there. They are so supportive of the program with kind words, a helping hand, running fundraisers, and cheerfully donating supplies. Myself and the students are so grateful to be able to teach/learn at a school that values all disciplines.
This weekend was no exception. Apryl Stott organized and a held a fundraiser for our art program during the annual Craft Fair. What a hit!!! This darling hands and footprints project turned out beautifully and was so fun to make. It was great to see the Moms and their wee ones getting painted up to create a little piece of love to hang in their home. There were even requests for Mommy and Me classes to do these again. Leave a comment below if you are interested in receiving more information about an upcoming class/gathering/workshop/#goodtimesinart.